The easiest way for your school community to connect with you and each other.
The community directory that builds itself.
u-direct provides your community with a flexible, online directory of engaged and supportive community partners. As a user-friendly, web-based interface, u-direct provides the capability for your school to set the prices. The business then selects the ad size, uploads their ad including logos, pictures and pays for it online. Renewals are automated.
You have final approval prior to the ad going live.
u-direct can simplify your fundraising program by assisting you to create an ongoing revenue stream for your school.
Is the pricing structure fixed for each advertisement?
No, you determine the price for each level – line, display and feature. You understand your community best and know what price they can afford.
What dollar percentage will u-direct take of my advertisements?
Zip, zero, zilch, none! Any revenue is yours. You purchase the u-direct tool, then pay an annual renewal. The rest goes straight back to your organisation.
My past students are called Old Scholars not Old Collegians, can I change the fields?
Of course, that’s part of the flexibility of the product. You can alter the community names and decide which categories you display.
How do I know what business categories to include?
We’ve tried to make it easy for you by including a comprehensive range of professional and occupational categories. So you’ll find everything from Accounting Services to Zoology. It’s then your choice which ones you enable or disable with a simple click of the mouse.You can also rename any category to suit your community – for example, Accounting Services to Accountants.
What if I want an upgrade or something unique added?
We are always working on upgrades and the next iteration will be around integration with social media. The best upgrades though will come from you, the u-direct user, so please contact us because we love new initiatives.
Example 1
The local car dealer has no connection with your school but operates a business in your area. They have wanted to place an ad in your printed school publication for a number of years.
Now you can allow them to advertise and gain access to your community by offering them a feature ad which can be changed as often as they like and be more current than any print ad can ever be.
You also have access to a new supporter who may offer in-kind services for future friend-raising events or work experience for your students.
Example 2
You have a new parent who owns a bakery and they sell fantastic cupcakes. They have already shown their support for your school by donating goods for a Junior School fundraiser.
The parent can place an ad promoting the full range of their services; they can offer a special deal perhaps 10% off all birthday cakes purchased and you can reward them for their in-kind support by giving them a feature ad for the price of a display ad.
Example 3
A grandparent and past student is an accountant who serves on Council, is happy to talk at Career Evening and is a donor. You can offer them a free listing as a reward for their support and they may just acquire some new clients from within your community
Example 4
Your senior students and recent graduates are always on the lookout for some part-time or casual work.
By creating categories around the services they offer – babysitting, lawn mowing, casual labour, tutoring, et cetera – your community can support your younger members as they work their way through university or as they save for their gap year or first car.
How do I sign up?
You start by playing with the demo version. Once you are ready to buy your only decision is whether to go standard or custom. We get going on establishing your directory and you should be ready to go in around 48 hours.
When do I pay?
When you order a u-direct. Just email through the request and we’ll send you back your own URL and an invoice for the first 12 months license.
How do I cancel service?
Cancelling u-direct is an easy and noquestions-asked process. Just give us one month’s notice prior to your next annual renewal period. But we will try to convince you to stay.
Do I need another web host?
No. You will point users from your existing web site to the hosted u-direct site that contains your unique directory.
Can I download u-direct?
No. u-direct is a fully-managed web service. We do not have plans to make a downloadable version. u-direct does provide some standard methods for exporting your data.
What does it cost?
u-direct plans are comprised of a one-off upfront fee of $1,500 plus GST followed by a small monthly fee of $100 plus GST. You will be invoiced $1,500 plus GST on your twelve month anniversary.
We make it simple to start — and stop — your service at any time following the initial 12 month period.
Developing your own website or online tool can cost tens of thousands of dollars, taking months. We’ve done the hard work for you – we can have you up and running in 48 hours, no ICT people, need to be involved and we’re only ever a telephone call away if you have any problems.
Have more questions?
Our support team is available during normal business hours and usually responds within the same day.

John Forbes: 0407 979 711 | Sharee Kinnaird: 0403 975 116